Media & Public Relations
Thank you for your interest in Mammoth Mountain. We welcome visits by media representatives on assignment, content creators, and influencers. We are happy to provide assistance wherever we can to provide you with a full Mammoth experience, based on the request. For all media visits and content requests, please contact Emily van Greuning with an explanation of your assignment including outlet, story, and timeline for publication. Based on the request itself, resort occupancy, and other factors, we will do our best to work with you on your assignment.
Emily van Greuning, Communications Manager
What's New in Mammoth Lakes and Mammoth Mountain for Winter 24/25
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What's New in Mammoth Lakes and Mammoth Mountain for Summer 2024
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Fact Sheets
Mammoth Mountain Winter Fact Sheet, 24/25
Unbound Terrain Parks Fact Sheet, 24/25